A fantastic morning spring nearly here and for a change decided to walk from Starcross back to Exminster marshes this morning 09:45 till 13:30
A look out from Starcross produced 2 little grebe, 3 great crested grebe and 90+ Red breasted mergansers then walked up by the railway line to powderham estate and on the river bank of the River Kenn was a group of greenshank (9)and redshank (20+) and on top of the bank was the
spotted redshank a good start to the day also 2 reed bunting, continued to walk along the road lots of commotion with the crows harassing a small bird of prey as i got my bins on it it was the female
Merlin it continued low through the estate my third sighting in a week.
After crossing the railway line a look over the estuary towards turf produced a few more red breasted mergansers and
2 Goldeneye (1m,1f) and 12 Buzzards rising on the thermals from over powderham. As i approached towards turf picked out the beautiful
Slavonian Grebe feeding in the chanel
it seems to be settled in this area now
Near the turf hotel a
Fox sat out in a field sunning itself then from the viewing platform a small group of wigeon was feeding in the ditch before the lagoon a quick look found the drake
American wigeon
My Best views of the American wigeon yet
On the lagoon 5 Pochard and 4 gadwall and on the way down station road the water pipit flew overhead calling.
A great morning with quality birds and a hint of spring what more could you ask for on a Sunday morning walk along the exe