The Buff-breasted Sandpiper showed distantly on the Skern this morning.
Returning at the early evening high tide at 5:30pm saw the Sandpiper still present and still distant but enjoyable all the same.
Also during the evening high tide were the confiding Grey Phalarope, the Lapland Bunting and quite a few Wheatears.
Aveton Gifford; the Glossy Ibis still showing well this morning. Also here were two Common Sands, five Ringed Plover and a Greenshank. Over at West Charelton Marsh the Red backed Shrike continues to show for all-comers but the only other bird of note was a fly over Yellow Wagtail.
An excellant afternoon today- the Buff Breasted Sandpiper flew back onto the saltmarsh from the north at 2.40pm after it had been missing for over 2 hours, viewed from about 150 yards from the end of the road, opposite the old tip. The Grey Phalarope still feeding on the mud at close range near the 2nd speed ramp beyond the wooden hut and a Lapland Bunting showing very well on the nearside of the saltmarsh, about 200 yards from the far end of the road. Also 12-15 Wheatears and a White Wagtail present.
Lapland Bunting SW at 07:30; also 12+ alba Wagtails, 3 Yellow Wags, 105+ Meadow Pipits, 4 Grey Wags, 7+ Goldfinch, 19+ Swallow, 1 Sand martin, 6+ Chaffinch, 7 Skylarks, 1 Hobby, 1 Great Spotted Woodpecker, 5 Chiffs, 2 Blackcaps, and a Tree Pipit. Most of that lot heading SW.
The Red-backed Shrike still showing well to at least 19:15 this evening around its favoured area on the barbed wire fence and nearby bushes near the seat about a quarter of the way down the marsh. Out on the estuary 2 Med Gulls ( first winter and second winter ) and 2 Yellow Wagtails came in late on.
A quick look at Devils Point, Plymouth this evening turned up three adult Med Gulls. Re. the Corn Bunting; is there any chance of seeing it from outside of the private land?
Driving along the tidal road at Aveton Gifford today and noted the Glossy Ibis still present, also 3 Common Sandpipers and a Greenshank. Noticeable westerly movement of Meadow Pipits ( and one Tree Pipit ) casually observed from the high ground behind Bigbury-on-sea mid morning.
A juvenile Osprey has been present on the Axe all day, fishing on the Estuary now and then...
On Beer Head this morning, nothing better than 2 Redstarts, 7 Yellow Wags, 3 Wheatear, 1 Sedge Warbler, 2 Whitethroat and 14 Chiffchaffs.
The 2 Glossy Ibis showed well this morning just a few yards from the cricket pitch, and a juvenile Little Stint did one better, just 5-10 yards from the path near the shingle ridge. Also a couple of Wheatear there.
At least one Glossy Ibis still present early afternoon, 3 fields north of White Bridge, west of the river. Also the juvenile Little Stint still present near the Otter mouth, on north side of the shingle ridge. Black-tailed Godwit on pools just north of the cricket pitch.
A chilly WeBS count on the canal from Halberton to Tiverton after a clear night was not too exciting but produced a few nice birds including 6 Chiffchaffs, a Blackcap, 3 Kingfishers, a few hirundines but the best were two Wheatears. The other WeBS counter, Ray Jones, had a super Green Sandpiper nearer to Sampford Peverell.
The two Glossy Ibis still just North of White Bridge this afternoon, and downstream an adult winter Med. Gull, a juv. Little Stint, two Greenshank , a Blackwit, and a few Ringed Plovers, Dunlins and Yellow Wagtails.
Grey Phalarope wandering around on the mud and in small puddles on the seaward side a few metres over the wall about 300m beyond the entrance hut. Also on the Skern 1 Little tern and 1 Arctic Tern.
Aveton Gifford: Mike 'purple Patch' Passman to thank for the rather nice 1W Grey Phalarope this evening showing well with Osprey and Glossy Ibis. no news this evening as yet, on the RC Starling Thurlestone?
Aveton Gifford tidal rd at 16:00 - Glossy Ibis still present, also Grey Phalarope on bank and river, opposite the car park c.300yds after the Glossy Ibis - still present at 18:00, plus 2 Dunlin, 1 Bar-tailed Godwit, and 1 Greenshank.
A few migrants around, the highlight being 1 Firecrest, also 2 Coal tits (at the end of the Hd), 12 Chiffchaff, 6 Blackcaps, 2 Great Spotted Woodpeckers, 7 Wheatears, 1 Whitethroat. Small numbers of Meadow Pipits and 'Alba' Wagtails flying over.
Prawle Point: 11 Balearic, 7 Manx,Arctic Skua, 2 Bonxie, 2 Sandwich Tern, 3 Comm Scoter, 1W med Gull. best of.. Thurlestone Marsh: RC Starling Juv. on wires for a min. 18:30hrs before roost. present for 2nd day. record shot attached
The Glossy Ibis still this evening at Aveton Gifford to the right of the tidal road, in the creek before the blue house and feeding quite happily at close range.
3 Greenshanks, 3 Green Sands, 3 Common Sands, 11 Dunlin, 2 Little Stints, 1 Curlew Sand, 1 Ringed Plover, 1 Bar-tailed Godwit, 1 Water Rail and 1 Barn Owl.
While inspecting the state of the scrapes with the farmer/owner of the land we came across a female Red-backed Shrike near the bottom scrape. 2 Egyptian Goose flew in. By the hedge on the western side 2 Grey Partridge were disturbed and flew over the hedge into the field beyond.
At 18.20 tonight 1 jv Rose Coloured Starling amongst a flock of 200 roosting in Tstn Marsh. Spent 3 mins on the wires opposite the Golf Course next to the pumping station.
94 Teal on South Huish Marsh at 17.00, with at least 20 on Tstn Marsh.
Waders on the beach at 10.45: 11 Ringed Plover, 19 Dunlin, 1 Sanderling, 1 jv Curlew Sand. 2 Turnstone, plus 3 Black T Godwit on RTstn Marsh
5 Wheatear around the Bay
[from Mike Passman]
Aveton Gifford 13-9 Juv. Glossy Ibis still giving ZOO views along the tidal road by the 'Blue' House 1300hrs +. Also an excellent show by a Imm Osprey on how to get wet and catch bugger all. Juv. RC Starling reported going to roost at Thurlestone Marsh tonight
2 Black Terns, 2 Arctic Skuas, c20 Common Terns, c15 Sandwich Terns, 3 Balearic Shearwaters, 4 Manx Shearwater, 10+ Common Scoter
While on the Manx theme. I took this interesting shot of a Manx Shearwater. Notice the brownish cast and protruding feet! May have been called something else on a seawatch! But clearly a Manx, as showing distinct white thigh notch and ear covert.
2 Black Terns on the River Exe this evening between Mudbank Lane, Exmouth and Starcross, and viewed distantly from the car park at the north end of Starcross.
The 18 Glossy Ibis that flew north east at c07:25 were next seen at Dungeness, Kent at 3pm (per Birdguides). That's an incredible journey! And similar to what the six did last year (although they stopped off at a couple of places en-route).
This cream-crowned Marsh Harrier spent half an hour over Axe and Colyford Marshes this morning before being chased off north by Crows.
At Black Hole Marsh at 08:30: 6 Dunlin, 3 Snipe, 2 Little Stint, 1 Curlew Sandpiper, 1 Knot and 1 Greenshank with a Barn Owl showing until 08:40.
Also a Hobby over Lower Bruckland Ponds.
No sign of CornBunting today at Beer Head.
Also, from Dave Helliar: Wryneck still present Waggs Plot at 15:30.
Otter Estuary Following Gavin's news below, it seems as if the majority of Glossy Ibis have headed East, but we still have 2 birds (unringed) feeding in fields N of White Bridge.
18 Glossy Ibis flew E towards the Axe valley, as viewed from Beer Head at 07:22, but appear not to have come down. Where they went next will probably become clear later today?
EDIT - Dungeness, apparently! Reported circling over the RSPB reserve at 15:00.
The Lapland Bunting (or another) was back in the field adjacent to Gore Lane at High Land of Orcombe at 1435hrs this afternoon. It was loosely associating with Linnets, but was flushed by a Sparrowhawk, when it flew off towards Maer Vale. Also in the field, 6 Wheatears and 7 flyover Ravens.
Wryneck again reported from Mudbank Lane, Exmouth.
Otter Estuary Area The 20 Glossy Ibis still continued to entertain this morning and at least 16 roosted tonight in trees west of White Bridge. I am awaiting full ringing details on the 6 ring numbers, but they appear to be birds ringed in the Coto Donana, Southern Spain. Other birds around the estuary and adjacent fields included:
2 Whinchat 5 Wheatear 1 Spotted Flycatcher 1 Grey Wagtail - over 2 Greenshank 1 Common Sandpiper 4 Wigeon
Marsh Harrier (juv) roosting on ground 'till 0740 when headed off north and 2 garganey on lagoon (upto five recently). Also: 4 whinchat, 3 wheatear, 2 tree pipit, light meadow pipit passage north
Lapland Bunting from 06:45 - 06:55, before flying off inland. Also 5+ Tree Pipits, 3+ Grey Wagtails, Firecrest, 4+ Wheatears, Yellow Wagtail and 1+ Spotted Flycatcher. First significant passage of Meadow Pipits this morning, with several birds over and a few lingering.
Beautiful day, very quiet walk down to the hide with nothing on the estuary save one Great Crested Grebe. Walking back things livened up at the top end of the marsh with the Red-backed Shrike present last Thursday morning reappearing . Watching this when 4 Whinchats turned up. Also saw Kingfisher, Whitethroat and a fly over Tree Pipit. Hopefully someone will get a better photo than mine .