Orcombe Point - 0625 - 5+ blackcap, 11+ chiffchaff , 2 bullfinch, 30+ meadow pipit, 1 stock dove, 3 wheatear, 9+ willow warbler, 1 red-legged partridge and the 4 eider still present. Also the ring ouzel and redstart still present but I saw neither this morning, annoyingly.
Mudbank - 11+ little egret, 1 dark-bellied brent goose, 34 red-breasted merganser, 34 sandwich tern and 1 osprey north upriver at 0910 with it or another at 1200 and 2 osprey fishing the estuary at 1500. Additionally one with fish heading inland towards Haldon @ 1640. Also spoonbill circling Powderham Park @1650 - all viewed from the back garden. Also 2 sand martin through.