Friday, 9 September 2011
Berry Head
Seawatch 0700-1600 in company with MD. Masses of Shearwaters moving out first thing but due to clear conditions most were too distant to count effectively or identify. The promised weather eventually moved in which moved birds closer. Between 1430-1600 mist reduced vis which negated any birds being seen. Totals for the day as follows: Manx Shearwater 1031+, Balearic Shearwater 48 (positively ID ), Arctic Tern 10, Common Tern 79, Arctic Skua 3, pale phase Pomarine Skua (with spoons) 1, Great Skua 2, Gannet 555, Kittiwake 568 (in 2hrs), Razorbill 12, Common Scoter 21. And a suntan.