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Friday 2 September 2011

Bowling green marsh

A misty morning on the marsh as I arrived at 07:35 a quick look from the hide found 4 green sandpipers but the rest of the marsh was hidden so took a walk upto the viewing platform on way found 5 blackcaps, 15+ chiffchaffs, 4 willow warblers and a great spotted woodpecker. On the path upto the viewing platform my attention was drawn to a group of blue tits great tits and warblers in the brambles and bushes and was delighted to find a lesser whitethroat.

From hide 08:30 till 12:00

Another good morning with 4 juv curlew sandpipers, 1 juv little stint, 1 avocet, 1 juv ruff, 300+ black tailed godwit, 45+ knot, 3 wigeon, 7+ shoveler, 150+ teal, 2 snipe, 5+ greenshank, 30+ Dunlin,30+ lapwing, reed bunting 5+ reed warbler, 4 sedge warbler, 3 bar tailed godwits including 1 in summer plumage still, and a sparrowhawk.

During the morning the juv peregrine attempted 3 attacks but was not successful

From the viewing platform 12:10 till 15:00
1 spotted redshank and 1 juv/1st winter & 1 adult Mediterranean gulls