Orcombe Point - 0550-0800
14 whitethroat, 6 chiffchaff, 6 blackcap, 1 tawny owl, 1 sedge warbler, 1 glaucous gull (East 0610), 11 swallow, 1 red-legged partridge, 1 willow warbler, 1 great spotted woodpecker, 1 meadow pipit, 1 pochard (male South), 7 great crested grebe, 1 roseate tern.
Mudbank - 75+ whimbrel, 3 dark-bellied brent and 17 dunlin. Additionally a hobby flew north upriver at 1700 (viewed from house).
The glauc was presumably the 2w Otter bird, it landed on rocks just off Sandy Bay. The pochard was the first I've recorded from Orcombe Point and the undoubted highlight was a beautiful peachy-flushed roseate tern feeding with a small group of sandwich tern off the point. It's the earliest one I've had there.