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Monday 21 March 2011

Bittern sightings

While we wait for the spring migrants to arrive I thought I would provide a short update on bittern sightings in the Exe valley and make a request for additional records. I have already received 42 sightings from Exminster marshes of which 5 were of two birds. The next site with a significant number of sightings is the Double Lock Wetlands with 15 records of which two were of 2 birds.

The first sighting was on the 10 December and the last on the 17 March (birds may still be present as there are still several in Cornwall).

On the 22 and 23 January 2011 several birds were seen on the marshes and at the Double Locks, probably at the same time. Unfortunately few of the sightings have times so it is difficult to estimate numbers. If you saw one or more bitterns on either of these dates please can you send me your sightings with times. My email address is Thanks to all of you who have responded to my earlier requests for records.