10:40 Jetty Roost.
A bright sunny morning with a rising tide.
Grey Plover c50
Dunlin c100
Lapwing c160 with another c60 overhead.
Redshank c35
Oystercatcher c40. Not the usual 200-300 normally here at high tide.
Little Egret 3
Knot c10
Turnstone 9
Curlew 53
Cormorant 4
Teal 6
A single Kingfisher flew along the shoreline from the main jetty, over the bank and into the overflow pond where there were 4 Little Grebe, a few Teal and Mallard, 3 Moorhen and calls of a Water Rail.
11:50 Isley Marsh
Spoonbill 8
Greenshank 8
Great Crested Grebe 2 in the channel just off the reserve.
Plenty of O/Catcher, Wigeon, Teal, Redshank, Curlew, Lapwing and 2 Little Egret.
Severn Sands.
It is now beginning to look like a load of holes held together with rusty metal.